- 2013-04-28 波士頓馬拉松爆炸案 Boston Marathon bombings
- 敗訴
- Chinese classics back on agenda
- Marathon runs up cash record for charities
- 2013-04-21 佔領中環 Occupy Central
- 2013-04-14 H7N9 禽流感
- 她在生時(指她的朋友)就一窩蜂
- 互動資訊
- 已不能引起觀眾的興趣
- 違反行規
- 光碟的疑惑
- 老師的價值
- SARS lessons must not be forgotten
- 2013-04-07 311 地震
- Want better kids? Teach them to do the housework
- 2013-03-31 沙士十年
2013年4月28日 星期日
2013年4月27日 星期六
綽號「電訊魔童」的香港電視網絡主席王維基控告《信報》誹謗,被判敗訴。香港電視表示,王維基對此感到失望,但尊重法院裁決,將考慮提出上訴。兩被告分別為信報財經新聞有限公司及《信報》副總編輯袁耀清(筆名游清源)。涉案報道於2010年9月9月在《信報》「獨眼新聞」內刊登,題為「王維基批無綫『膚淺』 奇招掀視圈世紀戰」。代表王維基的資深大律師余若海指出,王於訪問中從沒說過「膚淺」兩字,亦未曾批評無綫,質疑《信報》無中生有。余又指報道會令讀者以為王為人傲慢,並藉批評同業來抬高自己。代表《信報》的資深大律師鮑永年指,王於專訪中指香港電子傳媒的新聞報道「好淺,唔夠深入」,故強調「膚淺」一詞是《信報》編輯對文章「反芻」後得出的「公允評論」(fair comments)。鮑又質疑,王於訪問中流露對無綫的批評,又指雙方(無綫及王)關係已勢成水火。
【案件編號:HCA1385/10】Chinese classics back on agenda
(The Standard
P.16 19 Apr 2013) Compulsory Chinese classics (必修的中文科範文) will be reinstated (恢復) in the 2014-15 senior secondary curriculum at the earliest.
This follows a proposal by the Curriculum Development
Council (課程發展議會) to reinstate "assigned (指定) classical Chinese articles" for students taking the
Chinese language subject in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
Before the curriculum (改革) in 2007, there were 26 compulsory teaching articles, in
both classical and modern Chinese, which students were expected to memorize (背熟) and quote (引述).
But the articles were abandoned (被放棄的) after critics said
they reinforced (增強) students reciting(背誦) the content from memory without clearly understanding it.
It is believed the latest proposal came after students
performed worst in Chinese language compared with the three other core
subjects, English language, mathematics and liberal studies (通識教育).
Curriculum Development Council chairman Kenneth Young
Gong-hoi denied there has been a decline in Chinese standards shown by students
in public examinations.
Young said more than 70percent of candidates achieved
Level 2, the benchmark for a pass, or higher, in last year's HKDSE.
Deputy Secretary for
Education (教育局副秘書長) Catherine Chan Ka-ki said: "We hope to choose some highlighted
assigned teaching articles or classical Chinese as a point of penetration (洞察力) for teaching. But we don't want
to take the road back to the former position that only assessed (評估) very few compulsory articles."
The council will set up a working group to look into the
proposal further, including how many assigned (指定) articles should be covered (適用於) in the syllabus.
A professor at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of
Education (香港大學教育學院), Tse Shek-kam, worries that the move will not improve
creative thinking.
The chairman of the Hong Kong Professional Development
Association of Chinese Language Education, Yuen Kwok-ming, hopes good classical
Chinese articles (範文文章) will be taught while also keeping parts of tests that
assess skills.
Education Convergence (教育評議會) vice chairman Ho Hon-kuen said it is a good move (對策).
"It does not mean people should recite (背誦) all passages
without understanding," Ho said. "It is not a bad thing to recite
some excellent poems or paragraphs after understanding."
Meanwhile, the council also proposes (建議) cutting the total class time
for the three years of senior secondary education by more than one tenth to
2,600 hours, to allow for more flexibility.
Winnie Chong
2013年4月26日 星期五
Marathon runs up cash record for charities
(The Standard P.14
19 Apr 2013)The
recent Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon raised a record HK$6.6 million,
with the highest individual fund- raiser reaping HK$300,000.
More than HK$2 million was raised online.
The money was distributed yesterday to the
ORBIS saving eyesight worldwide group, the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and
Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (香港殘疾人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會),
and the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (香港防癌會).
"We are very touched and happy. Eye
problems are faced by more than 6.6 million in the mainland and this money can
go to towards the treatment of many patients in places such as Yunnan (雲南), Sichuan (四川) and Shanghai," said ORBIS director of
development Mary Lau who received a HK$2,150,968 cheque from the bank.
Chu Yeung Pak-yu, chairman of the Anti-Cancer Society, expressed her heartfelt
gratitude (衷心的感謝)
towards those who have donated.
"This means we can subsidize (資助) patients who do not
have enough for medical treatment, and also to support the families of patients
who are going through the ordeal with them," said Chu, as she received
The paralympic committee received
The top fund-raisers were Eric Cheung and his
son, Ezmond, who raised a combined (相加的) HK$500,000.
They took part in the February 24 event -
which has the motto Run for a Reason (從心出發,跑出信念)-
in the memory of a loving wife and mother who was claimed by cancer.
Jeraldine Phneah
2013年4月23日 星期二
2013年4月14日 星期日
2013年4月13日 星期六
無錢辦阿梅逝世10周年活動 梅啟明歎9個月無收生活費
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2013年4月12日 星期五
王維基 - 想他人所想
2013年4月11日 星期四
兩年前,一次大學電子學系的聚會,Prof York Liao推介了一個網站,集合了各學科的授課影片。影片深入淺出,簡易直接,後來我亦把網站推薦給我的子女。記得Prof York Liao說過,現今互聯網普及,電訊基建發展成熟,世界各地,各學科是否只需要一個擅於授課、表達力強的講師就足夠呢?究竟老師的角色在這互聯網的新世代如何是好?
兩年前,一次大學電子學系的聚會,Prof York Liao推介了一個網站,集合了各學科的授課影片。影片深入淺出,簡易直接,後來我亦把網站推薦給我的子女。記得Prof York Liao說過,現今互聯網普及,電訊基建發展成熟,世界各地,各學科是否只需要一個擅於授課、表達力強的講師就足夠呢?究竟老師的角色在這互聯網的新世代如何是好?
2013年4月7日 星期日
SARS lessons must not be forgotten
(The Standard
P.6 5 Apr 2013) What has China
learned in the years following the deadly (致命的)
SARS outbreak (爆發) that hit (襲擊) the mainland and Hong Kong a decade ago?
Many are wondering whether the Beijing
government can handle the situation any better today should another pandemic (疾病) break out.
Questions have been raised as to why it took
so long for Chinese authorities to announce the new bird flu cases - especially
since two victims first fell ill in February.
The government has said it needed time to
correctly identify the virus.
Nearly two months after the first death
in Shanghai, the Chinese health ministry pledged (保證) on
Wednesday that the country will communicate swiftly (迅速地) with the outside world and its own
people, with details of a new strain (品種) of the deadly bird flu (禽流感).
Unfortunately, the pledge came amid
complaints (抱怨);officials
had been too slow to report on the outbreak, and suspicion of a cover-up (掩飾).
I can't bring myself to believe China would
try to cover up, although they might have moved a bit too slowly. But this is
excusable (可原諒的) as the H7N9 bird flu isn't among the regular
strains tested.
And certainly, it takes times to run through all those tests. So,
better to be late with all the facts rather than early with guesswork.
Those with long memories will recall that
back in 2003, when SARS first appeared, there was a mad scramble (搶奪) for
vinegar in Guangzhou, with many believing this would help fumigate (消毒) their homes and
save them.
But China should also not forget that the
deadly SARS virus was spread globally (蔓延全世界) after
an infected (受感染的) Guangzhou doctor visited Hong Kong.
An outbreak followed, resulting in 8,273
cases and 775 deaths worldwide. Within weeks, SARS spread from Hong Kong to
infect individuals in 37 countries in early 2003.
That's the danger we're facing again.
Hong Kong had learned a painful lesson and reacted (作出反應) very responsibly to the recent incident
in the eastern part of China, with the authorities activating the preliminary
"Alert Response Level"(戒備應變級別) under a preparedness plan for a flu
This calls for close monitoring of local
chicken farms, vaccinations (接種),
culling drills and a suspension of imports of live birds from the mainland.
A six-member medical team, including top
University of Hong Kong microbiologist (微生物學家) Yuen Kwok-yung, left for Shanghai
yesterday on a two-day "sharing and learning" mission.
So far (到目前為止), 11 people in China are confirmed to
have contracted the new bird flu strain, H7N9, all in the eastern part of the
country. Four have died.
And the danger is the new virus is
spreading (蔓延) southward
inching towards Hong Kong. Fortunately, it has so far shown no signs of
human-to-human transmission (傳播).
If there's anything China has learned from
SARS, its government should know it can't be too careful or too honest when
dealing with deadly pandemics.
In another words, it needs to act fast and be
as open as possible (儘可能公開)
Mary Ma
2013年4月6日 星期六
Want better kids? Teach them to do the housework
(The Standard
P.7 5 Apr 2013) Some children as old as 12 are unable to
bathe and dress themselves, according to a recent survey of 500 parents.
It found that 76percent of kids between four
and 12, cannot change (更衣) themselves, and 61 percent are unable to bathe alone.
Furthermore, 57percent cannot tidy up their
rooms, 42percent are unable to eat without supervision (監督), and 35percent fail to do their homework
But while 13percent said their children are
relatively (相當) lazy when it comes
to housework, 10percent said it is because doing housework is relatively (相當) dangerous, and 9 percent said children should
focus on studying.
However, 35percent of parents agree that
doing housework may cultivate (培養) a
sense of responsibility in children, with 17percent saying it will enhance
concentration (提高專注) as well as help the youngsters learn to take
care of themselves.
To encourage children to do housework,
37percent of parents said they often use money as an incentive (獎勵).
Thirty-five percent buy gifts, and only
15percent issue instructions.
Nine percent share the housework with their
children, but only 6percent express their gratitude (感謝) for help received.
Gemini Cheung Ming-lai, a child and
educational psychologist (教育心理學家), said
children will become dependent on others and lack responsibility if they do not
do any housework.
"It will also adversely (不利地) affect their social lives (社交生活) in the future,
as other people may not take care of them," Cheung said.
She advises parents to change their
perceptions (觀念) and to
see doing the housework as important as studying for children.
She also warns (警告) parents against (不要) using monetary or materialistic rewards (金錢、物質的獎賞) to
encourage youngsters to do housework.
"It will not cultivate their sense of
responsibility," Cheung said.
Parents should set housework timetables
for their children, and praise (讚美) them
in order to build a sense of satisfaction (滿足感).
Separately (分別地), in Taiwan, an eight-year-old girl
complained to police that she was "abused"
(被虐待) by her father when he bought
her a cup noodle that she did not like from a local shop.
On April 1, the girl asked her father to
purchase a seafood cup noodle for dinner, but her father purchased a
mutton-flavored (羊肉味) product
When her father scolded (責罵) her,
she called the police, reporting that she was "abused" by her father.
Winnie Chong
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