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2013年6月9日 星期日

Deric Lostutter / KY Anonymous Defense Fund



Deric had the courage to stand up against rape—should we not now have the courage to stand with him?

Deric is charged with hacking for the benefit of Anonymous. He is alleged to have done so to shed light on the rape culture present in Steubenville, Ohio. If it is true that he committed these acts, his heroism brought national attention to a culture of victimization and abuse. Deric is a hero. Please help him.

The Whistleblower Defense league is a nation-wide group of noted criminal defense attorneys defending citizens who speak out in the name of truth, justice and democracy. Our mission is to defend clients pro bono through contributions of concerned citizens like you. Your contribution--we so deeply thank you--will be utilized to cover general legal defense costs and expenses, which will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact The Law Office of Jason Flores-Williams, lead counsel for Deric Lostutter and co-founder of The WBDL.



來自美國肯塔基州的路絲德達(Deric Lostutter),因與另外數名「匿名者」的成員,公開去年在俄州發生的強姦案疑犯資料,上月被聯邦調查局探員突擊搜查住所。外界預期,檢察官將以一項重罪及兩項行為不當罪起訴他。路絲德達於本周案件開審前自揭身份,希望得到國際社會支持。連計路絲德達,目前已有8名「匿名者」成員曝光。


