Animal Farm
(Kar) The book I read is “Animal Farm”, published by Martin Secker and
Warburg, written by George Orwell. It is a book of 134 pages. It took me about
2 weeks to finish reading it.
Aiming to write this book, the author wants to make
people aware of the truth about communism and dictatorships. He tells us the
reality life of the workers and peasants in Russia in the early nineteenth
century, which they live under a tyrannical government and their living is very
hard. Secondly, the writer intends to find a way of telling the story to readers
who are easy enough to understand, so he writes animals for the main
characters. As he writes the story of an animal rebellion led by some pigs on a
farm, which it reveals the truth about communism, Therefore, this story is
about animal farm.
There are some of the main characters such as old
Major, Napoleon and Snowball and so on. They represent important figures in the
story of the Russian revolution and its aftermath.
I like the character of a horse, Boxer represents a
type of workers. He always performs his duty faithfully and he is the hardest
on the farm.
I don’t like some of the characters both pigs of
Napoleon and Squealer. The former is a leader of the Animal Farm. He is
selfish, unscrupulous and cruel. Squealer is cunning and he often lies, tells
half-truths, brainwashes the animals and rewrites the commandments.
The beginning of the story, a pig, Old Major gathers
other animals of Manor Farm for making his speech. He expresses a message of
the Rebellion and to ask them listening to him until to get success.
Fortunately, it is an opportunity for animals to overthrow Mr. Jones, of the
Manor Farm. Afterward, replacing MANOR FARM by ANIMAL FARM, they create an
ideal plan allowing them to share in their new administration of Animal Farm.
They are free and to satisfy their living at the first few decades of the Rebellion.
However, the perfect management style of animalism is ruined by Comrade
Napoleon. At the end of the story, it tells us the betrayal of these ideals and
the replacement of one tyranny by another.
I recommend this book to teachers, parents and students
as it is not only meaningful but also good for teachers to discuss with their
students. Teachers can teach them that they should have a principle of justice
to others and to have the right attitude towards facing whatever matters which
are unfair and irregular. Besides, in many ways, we can see many matters of
brainwashing happen on Animal Farm. It is similar to recent a heat topic of
the Moral and National Education Curriculum which made a huge noisy in society.
Parents are so worried that their children will be brainwashed by this
curriculum. On the other hand, it is a good time for parents to share with
their kids about their experience or views on this story, to encourage them to
express their viewpoints and to suggest them finding some related information to
know the truth about history. Is it a good chance for them to develop parent-child
香港人貪勝不知輸,最近港府財政及房屋政策局的突擊加稅打擊,樓房過熱措施,便可見到功效。現代語文學習者,有幾多人會用上約兩星期時間去完成一本書,然後去介紹給其他同好呢!在香港的學習環境,可以講係 一個都 無( Kar 不算在內) !一本好書是要放時間去完成,成為一種習慣!