Alpine Skiing | 高山滑雪(亦稱阿爾卑斯式滑雪,起源於北歐的阿爾卑斯地區,冬季奧運會高山滑雪設立10個小項,男女各5項) |
Biathlon | 冬季兩項(即滑雪射擊,冬奧會項目之一) |
Bobsleigh | 雪橇 (有舵雪橇) a small vehicle with two long thin metal blades instead of wheels, that is used for racing down a special ice track |
Cross-Country | BrE -a race that is run across countryside and fields, not on a track 【英】越野賽跑 |
Curling | a winter sport played on ice by sliding flat heavy stones towards a marked point 冰上溜石遊戲〔一種冬季運動〕 |
Figure Skating | a kind of SKATING in which you cut patterns in the ice with your SKATES(1) 花式溜冰﹐花樣滑冰 |
Freestyle Skiing | 自由式滑雪 |
Ice Hockey | 冰球運動(冰上曲棍球) |
Luge | a vehicle with blades instead of wheels on which you slide down a track made of ice 仰臥滑行用的小雪橇 |
Nordic Combined | 北歐混合式滑雪(亦稱北歐兩項,是一項起源於北歐,由越野滑雪和跳躍滑雪所組成的冬季運動項目) |
Short Track | 短距離競速滑冰(是一項類似於田徑賽跑運動的冬季運動項目,於1992年被列入冬奧會比賽項目) |
Skeleton | 俯卧式冰橇 |
Ski Jumping | a competition in which people wearing SKIs -jump off a cliff at the bottom of a slope to see how far they can go through the air 跳台滑雪比賽 |
Snowboard | 滑雪板 |
Speed Skating | the sport of racing on ice wearing ICE SKATEs -速度滑冰 |
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2014年2月16日 星期日
2014 Olympic Winter Games
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