(The Standard 12 Dec 2012) Legislative Council members expressed shock that
support staff are allowed to administer(給予) intravenous drips(靜脈滴注) to very young
patients, such as the baby girl who almost died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
As revealed(被揭露) by The Standard a week ago, 19-month-old
Angelicca Zana Kanilga almost went into a coma after hospital staff wrongly
inserted (插入)
drip(點滴注射器) into
her left forearm.
Her mother, Yukie
Wong Kanilga, said Angelicca was discharged from hospital earlier this week.
The hospital said
the tot(小孩)"was put on a
plain saline IV drip by a phlebotomist(抽血者) of the central
phlebotomist team, not by a student nurse."
Phlebotomists are
support staff who are trained in the Hospital Authority network to take blood
samples and administer drips, according to an authority spokesman.
authority's nursing general manager supervises phlebotomists, other support
staff as well as nurses.
The Legislative Council health services
panel was told earlier this year that phlebotomists are being employed "to
take up(開始從事) technical
non-clinical duties" in order to relieve(減輕) the
of frontline doctors and nurses, amid a series(在連串的) of
medical blunders(醫療失誤).
Medical sector
legislator Leung Ka-lau said phlebotomists(抽血者) should
not administer(執行)
an IV drip(藥物+點滴液)as it is "a clinical duty(診所的職務)."
who worked as a surgeon(外科醫生) at public hospitals before
going over to the private sector, said phlebotomists should only draw blood
from patients.
"To take blood samples is not
difficult but to set up a drip is a little bit more complicated(複雜的),"
he said.
It is
still possible for a nurse to do the easy cases but the difficult cases should
be carried out by a doctor.
"A 19-month-old represents a difficult
case," said Leung, adding that the veins(靜脈) of
adults are easier to find. Drips for those under the age of two should be
administered by doctors.
Party(公民黨) legislator
Kwok Ka-ki, who is a surgeon, said he will write a letter to the Legislative
Council to ask why phlebotomists are being asked to set up IV drips.
a spokeswoman said the Queen Elizabeth Hospital central phlebotomist team
serves all wards and departments.
are required to obtain certified training for setting up IV cannulation for
patients. Those who work in pediatrics(兒科) are required to complete the additional on-the-job training in a
pediatric ward setting before working there," she added.
Mary Ann Benitez