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2013年7月9日 星期二

Kuk chief vows to block Tuen Mun landfill funds

(The Standard P.3  9 Jul 2013) Funding for the Tuen Mun landfill expansion is in danger of being rejected after the Heung Yee Kuk chief vowed to fight the plan.
Kuk lawmaker Lau Wong-fat, who is also chairman of the Tuen Mun District Council, was speaking after meeting more than 10 district councillors.
Councillors owning allegiance to the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, which supports the landfill expansion, stayed away.
Lau said the government move has sparked resentment, adding he will try to persuade the required 35 legislators to vote against the proposal at Friday's Finance Committee meeting.
"I urge the government to withdraw the document and discuss thoroughly with every party of Tuen Mun district, especially the District Council. I also call on my colleagues to reject the plan with me," Lau said.
He also supports filibuster on the issue. "I think there should be filibustering," Lau said. "I have to responsibly [be a voice] for Tuen Mun residents."
Some district councillors were satisfied with a letter from environment secretary Wong Kam-sing last week, which said the government has improved measures to address traffic and environment issues around the Tuen Mun landfill.
But district councillor Kwu Hon-keung said the government is lying in order to gain lawmakers' support, while his colleague Josephine Chan Shu-ying said they will submit thousands of signatures opposing the expansion plan.
She also wondered about the need to expand the landfill by 200 hectares when the government says it will do well on waste reduction at source. Lau will convene a special Tuen Mun meeting on Thursday to discuss further action.
Engineering lawmaker Lo Wai-kwok of the Business and Professionals Alliance, which has seven votes and of which Lau is a member, said it will support the kuk chief on Friday.
If Lau and the other five alliance lawmakers vote against, the proposal may be rejected as 22 pan-democrats, the Federation of Trade Unions and New People's Party lawmaker Michael Tien Puk-sun said they will oppose the plan.
Winnie Chong

Keep away, kids

(The Standard P.1  9 Jul 2013) Occupy Central founder Benny Tai Yiu-ting sprang a surprise yesterday when he urged students not to risk breaching (反) the law by taking part in the civil disobedience movement (公民抗命).
Opponents (反對者) of the movement had been expecting calls for youth support, and were out in force at Heep Yunn School in Ma Tau Wai, Kowloon, to hand out leaflets (傳單) listing () their objections.
Tai told students at the forum that while it is possible that Occupy Central may breach (違反) the law, it is different from other crimes.
"For instance, a person commits robbery for self gain whereas (反之) civil disobedience is for a public cause," he said.
Asked if he would abandon (放棄 ) the movement if only a small number turned out (出席), Tai said: "If all Hong Kong people say we are creating chaos (混亂) and it is meaningless, we will lose out (失敗) and I will have to start writing from behind bars(在監獄服刑)."
Voice of Loving Hong Kong convener Patrick Ko Tat-pun said he had been concerned that Tai would spread misleading messages to the children.
Addressing about 500 students at the same forum was National People's Congress Standing Committee member Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, who said Occupy Central would be a self-wounding act that would not have any effect on Beijing's position on Hong Kong's constitutional reform for the 2017 chief executive election.
"The aim of the Occupy Central movement is to paralyze (癱瘓) Hong Kong as a political and financial center," she said.
"The longer it is paralyzed, the lower its credit rating (級) will become.

"With a lower credit rating, Hong Kong is giving up one of its advantages. It means we are hurting ourselves - an act of self wounding.
"If Beijing can be pressured by Hong Kong to change its position, leaders in the provinces and other cities will wonder whether the central government is still strong and powerful in leadership.
"Hong Kong has no bargaining chips to pressure Beijing to change its stance(立場). Hong Kong will have to pay the costs if the Occupy Central movement paralyzes the city as a political and financial center."
Fan also said it is understandable (可理解的)for parents to be worried and asked them to consider their decisions seriously.
Tai said if the Occupy Central turnout is poor, it would mean the pro- democrats have failed to raise people's awareness of the importance of democracy and universal suffrage.
"We hope to create some tension through civil disobedience so as to encourage citizens to reflect on whether social injustice (不公平) should be allowed to continue," Tai said. "Today's seminar (專題討論會) is already creating tension (緊張氣氛). You can no longer ignore its existence (存在)."
During the forum, the students were warned (被提醒) three times that they risked breaching the law if they joined the movement.
However, a Mrs Chan who attended with her daughter said she would support Occupy Central.
"It doesn't have to be radical (激進的)," Chan said. "But the government must improve and listen to what the people want."
Her daughter said the forum enabled (使能夠) her to better understand what the government has been doing.
She said she wished to see Hong Kong people elect their chief executive.
Meanwhile, Secretary of Education Eddie Ng Hak-kim said his bureau has provided clear guidelines to schools on organizing extracurricular activities and reminded (記) principals not to hold any activity that may breach the law.
New People's Party lawmaker Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee said young people must be cautious (謹慎的) about joining the movement.
Eddie Luk and Nectar Gan


老婆花鉅資做了整容,數天後變成美女回家,進門時,對一臉 疑惑的丈夫說:怎麼?不認識我了?




有位女客人住宿HOTEL一晚,結帳時發現帳' 5千元。便向HOTEL經理抱怨?
女客人:你們光住宿一晚就收費5千元,太貴 了吧!
經理:這是一般收費,我們有附設泳池、健身 房和WIFI可使用。
此時,女客人打開皮包準備付帳? 只見女客人掏出一張千元大鈔放在櫃台。
女客人:我只付1千元,其它的是扣除你和我 上床的4千元。





以前口花花 ,宜家眼花花;

以前要溝女 ,宜家要湊女;

以前千里眼 ,宜家老花眼;

以前順風耳 ,宜家撞壟耳 ;

以前飲洋酒 ,宜家捽藥酒 ;

以前留長髮 ,宜家要植髮 ;

以前牙擦擦 ,宜家假牙擦;

以前似霆鋒,宜家像胡楓 ;

以前搖頭丸 ,宜家脷底丸 。



二、 宽厚的人多半一脸福相,性情柔和的人面相柔和美丽。性格格外粗暴的人,总是一脸的凶相;许多品行不太好的中老年妇女,往往一脸的刻薄相, 这就是所谓的薄命相、克夫相。实际上不是生就的相貌,而是长期的心与行为的修炼在脸上的投影,这些相貌也在预示着其未来的命运。相术也就是一种经验积累,相由心生,由脸观心,由心知未来。

三、那么幼年与少年、青年时期相貌的成因是什么?相貌特征与父母的遗传因素有关,脸型身材与禀受的先天之气有关,漂亮程度是前一生带来的习气所致。人的前半生是活在前世的影响之下,下半生更多地活在前半生的影响之下。 所以说,人到中年以后,要对自己的脸负责任。


五、请相信相貌是能逐步改变,尤其是美好的相貌是会由内而外散发出一种吸引力,让见者不知不觉心生倾慕。 很多时候,美丽与否是从看到的人心里生出来的,“情人眼里出西施”就是这个道理。所以,若要相貌美,先要心灵美。

六、只有惜缘才能续缘。在人生的路上, 我们会遇到很多人,其实有缘才能相聚, 亲人多半是前世的好友,好友多半是前世 的亲人,给你带来烦恼的,多半是你前世 伤害过的。因此切记:善待身边的亲人, 关心身边的朋友,宽恕那些伤害你的人。 这就是因果。笑看风云淡,坐对云起时。不争就是 慈悲,不辩就是智慧,不闻就是清净,不 看就是自在,原谅就是解脱,知足就是放 下。

七、今生注定我们什么也带不走,那就活 在当下、笑在当下、悟在当下!