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2012年11月27日 星期二

Another top Beijing loyalist urges CE to explain works

 (Metro P.36   26 Nov 2012) 范徐麗泰促梁振英解釋僭建問題
Another senior Beijing loyalist has urged the Chief Executive, C Y Leung, to explain in person the discrepancies(前後矛盾) in his accounts of illegal structures at his home on the Peak.

Rita Fan, a member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, said Leung should face the media if he wants to regain(重獲) the people’s trust.

Fan Friday the Chief Executive issued a statement blaming a lapse of memory(記錯) for falsely claiming during his election campaign that his home had not been illegally altered(改動).
Fan said she hoped he would consider answering questions directly, to improve public confidence in his integrity(誠信) and sincerity.
“However, the decision is with him,” she added.

A prominent C Y Leung supporter, former Chief Secretary Sir David Akers-Jones, said he expected that the Chief Executive would answer any outstanding questions about his illegal structures in due course.
Sir David said he had not had time to read Leung’s explanation fully, but that giving it in written form in the way he had done was a “very good thing”.
Metro and agencies.


